Titi din Dragasani
Data: 10-12-2012 la 01:02:35 Recomand?: DA
I-am facut sotiei o surpriza, un weekend romantic la acest hotel. Au facut mult mai mult decat ne asteptam.Petale de trandafiri,lumanari,vin,flori peste tot.Camera chiar este de tip boutique! Ne-a placut foarte mult.Un lucru semnificativ este facptul ca,la restaurant, erai tratat exact ca in filme.Ospatarul avea grija tot timpul ca paharul sa nu fie gol.Pozele chiar reflecta realitate!
Florin din Bucuresti
Data: 31-10-2012 la 03:57:18 Recomand?: DA
Sa incep cu un mic aspect care nu mi-a placut: parcarea.in plin sezon nu cred ca face fata numarului de camere, dar macar este gratis. Dar in rest toate sunt ok, camera,baia,chiar si balconul toate sunt mari.Mancarea mai mult decat delicioasa si chiar un gurmand ar fi satul. Recomand cu drag Hotel Foisourul cu Flori din Sinaia.
Nice weekend experience
Oltean A
din Bucharest, Romania
in data de 10-Nov-2024 12:44
Very clean, quiet, big room, very close to Peles and a few hiking spots.
Everything we needed in the room, mini fridge and bathroom.
Very nice experience.
The breakfast was good, you can chose eggs...
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Comfortable Bavarian Hotel
din The Woodlands, Texas
in data de 01-Oct-2024 16:34
The hotel is located a bit outside the city center of Sinaia, a short distance from Peles and Pelisor. The hotel has a restaurant and there are a couple of other restaurants within a short walk from...
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Wonderful hotel, great food
din Soest, The Netherlands
in data de 04-Oct-2023 05:29
Cosy hotel where you feel at home right away
We have had a medical Conference in hotel Foisorul Cu Flori. We stayed with our whole Dutch group participants. Good food, very nice and helpful employees...
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